
Make a Donation

Transform Lives through Health Education, Medical Screenings, and Physical Fitness. The Picture of Health Foundation (POHF) is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations to the POHF are tax-deductible. Please select your preferred method of donation.

Donate by phone:

Please call
(770) 807.7813

Donate by mail:

If you prefer to mail your donation,
please send it to:
Picture of Health Foundation, Inc.
Attention: Executive Coordinator
2227 Idlewood Road, Suite #10
Tucker, GA 30084

Questions: Please call 770.807.7813
or e-mail: info@pohfoundation.org

Donate on-line:

Make a donation through PayPal
A PayPal account is NOT required

No donation is too small