
5K Family Run/Walk For Wellness – APRIL 20, 2024
Thank you to all who participated!

2023 Uganda Mission trip Scheduled for September 14-24

Please contact our office for more information: 

View 2019’s Race Results►

Participants may go into their personal results page and click on the the “Race video” hyperlink under their name and the video will fast forward to their specific time.

Uganda Medical Mission

Completed 2022

What We Do

• Educate on Health, Wellness and Risk Prevention

• Short-Term Medical Missions

Our Mission

The Picture of Health Foundation(POHF), Inc. mission is to provide the community with health education and empower people to alter unhealthy lifestyles, thus increasing both life expectancy and quality.
Read More ►

Wellness Education

We provide education on coping skills, mental balance and overall physical health to achieve a healthy lifestyle.